Nightscout Data Commons

Managed by:
The Nightscout Data Commons Committee
The Nightscout Foundation

Nightscout Data Commons

Managed by:
The Nightscout Data Commons Committee
The Nightscout Foundation

About Nightscout Data Commons

The Nightscout Data Commons was created to enable a simple way to share data sets from the community, both with traditional researchers who will create traditional research studies, and with groups or individuals from the community who want to review data as part of their own research projects. The Nightscout Data Commons will enable easy facilitation of data sharing from and with the Nightscout community. Anyone using Nightscout is welcome to donate their data to the Nightscout Data Commons. We encourage other studies or projects (including n=1 research, or research by individuals in the community) to access this data, as long as it meets the community principles for sharing results back to the community in a reasonable time frame and relatively open manner; and willing to be included in list of projects accessing this data.

To understand more about the Nightscout Data Commons and Research Use Cases visit

Project membership

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Permissions & added data

Uploaded data:
Data from any associated project research survey such as demographics.

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Project information

Managed by:
The Nightscout Data Commons Committee
The Nightscout Foundation
Joined by: 217 members
Public data: shared by 5 members
Launched: Oct. 11, 2017
Project terms:
Uploaded data:
Data from any associated project research survey such as demographics.

Your Data

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